The Seasons | Spring

An 11-week exploration to listen & witness one another as we navigate the cycles of our lives, through the art of space holding.

Please note these are mixed events so all are welcome. All I ask is that you follow the guidelines below to ensure a safe and welcoming space.

We will start on the 20th of March & meet on the following dates :

  • 3rd & 17th of April
  • 1st & 15th of May
  • 5th of June

We will gather at 7.30pm for 90 minutes.
The restorative Reiki sessions will take place at the end of each month, we will decide on dates & times together.

All the links and any other shares, prompts and information will be shared via our WhatsApp group.


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We will sit in circle, explore themes and practices to support us & simply weave a story together.

Each season will include :

  • A welcome call to introduce the group & set intentions for the new cycle
  • 4 x 90-minute circles
  • A closing get-together to honour the end of the cycle
  • A monthly online restorative Reiki session
  • Inspirations, shares & prompts – in small numbers, I promise !
  • A Community WhatsApp group to exchange



Confidentiality is foundational to the safety of this space. We agree to uphold the trust our fellow beings place in us, and maintain complete confidentiality outside the circle.

We are committed to deep sharing & deep listening. Therefore, we take turns to speak, and when a person speaks, we will remain silent.

We are not here to write each other’s story & as such we will refrain from offering advice or respond to shares. At times, we might find that a common thread naturally occurs which is welcome and deeply beautiful.

There will often be a natural pause between sharing. Many of us will feel the urge to fill the silence, however silence and stillness create spaces for us to reflect.

In the know

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I will share the latest info on events, both online & in-person, special offers along with little glimmers of this adventure ✨

No pressure, you can unsubscribe at any time xx