the seasons
An invitation to honour Nature's rhythm & thus our own
An 11-week online exploration for each season to listen & witness one another as we navigate the cycles of our lives, through the art of space holding.

At the beginning of each season, we will embark on an 11-week journey together to embrace the natural cycle, cultivate presence & ignite our curiosity. Whilst being on our unique journeys.
What to expect ?
We will sit in circle, explore themes and practices to support us & simply weave a story together.
Each season will include :
- A welcome call to introduce the group & set intentions for the new cycle
- 4 x 90-minute circles
- A closing get-together to honour the end of the cycle
- A monthly online restorative Reiki session
- Inspirations, shares & prompts – in small numbers, I promise !
- A Community WhatsApp group to exchange
the hope
Having experienced various online containers & offerings lately, I have witnessed first hand the potential of such spaces. We are able to connect all across the world, to share our stories, our ways.
This is very much an opportunity to co-create.
I believe it is by coming together with an open mind & open heart – leaving space for each to be exactly who they need to be in a specific moment – that we learn & grow.
It is about reconnecting to our stories, to our inner fires, to our rhythms. About coming home to ourselves.
In a world where most things are on demand & on replay, I would love for this space to be a reminder of how being present & in community can bring us so much more depth & joy.
fine lines
We will gather to sit in circle on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays each month at 7.30pm. These will not be recorded.
I will also be sharing ideas, inspirations & prompts. Here is a snippet into some of the subjects :
- Moon Notes
- Playlists
- Recipes
- Movement
- and more !
The idea : Taking a holistic approach i.e. nourishing the whole
The only requirements are to show up authentically, with respect, kindness & an open mind, without judgement, expectations or pressure as well as to follow the guidelines that will be shared to ensure a safe and welcoming space.
Let’s be in community & reconnect to our natural rhythm.